Yay me! Woke up at 7 am, read my Bible!!! Hooray!!!
Went to the gym. 45 minutes. Hooray again!!!
But, did not go weigh in today. Truthfully I forgot. No, really, I'm not kidding, I forgot. No, I'm not avoiding the scale. Why would I do that? Aside from the fact that I can't fit into about 60% of the clothes in my closet, or that I'm inching into plus-sized clothing. No, there's no reason I would not remember to go weigh in at the gym.
What I ate today:
- Grande skinny caramel macchiatto from Starbucks
- An original chicken burrito from Del Taco - easy sauce, easy cheese, only ate about half the tortilla
- 2 double-stuffed Oreo cookies - Hey, it was ONLY two!!! Not twelve!!! Yay me!!!
- the last serving of my healthy Mexican layered...thing....
- 3 94% Fat-Free Hebrew National Light hot dogs
- Half a can of green beans
- a Colorado Bulldog: 1 oz. Svedka vodka, 1 oz. Kahlua, about 1 1/2 C. fat-free milk, splash of Diet Coke. Don't judge.
- 10 White Cheddar Cheez-Its
- About 2 tablespoons of frosting from cupcakes my daughter gave me (she got them from work) - but hey! I didn't eat a whole cupcake!! Yay me!!!
Man...the day's not over yet, and I'm still hungry. Big surprise. In order to avoid cupcakes, will go for a small bag of 94% fat-free kettle corn. (Even though a cupcake would be WAY yummier.)