Friday, July 5, 2013

I Just Paid for the Spartan. Now what?

Remember when you were a kid, and your friends dared you to jump off the high dive at the pool? And you finally agreed, and you went out there in the chlorinated air and climbed that aluminum ladder, all those bathing-suited kids above you, everyone dripping, and you got to the top - white diving board, blue sky, hot sun on your back - and you went to the end of that diving board, and you could see how deep and blue the roped-off water looked so far below you, but then you just closed your eyes and cannon-balled it?  

I don't think this is exactly like that. But in a way it's similar. Jumping into a chlorinated pool from 10 feet above the water while a lifeguard watches is not normally a death-defying experience (even if it feels that way to your 8-year-old self). Sitting here in the comfort of my home, signing up for the Spartan doesn't feel like it's death-defying either, until you read all the disclaimers - Warning! YOU MIGHT DIE!!! Warning! You might drown! Warning! You could suffer animal bites! Lose layers of skin! Break one or several bones! Get mowed down by large moving vehicles! Collapse from a heart attack! YOU REALLY REALLY MIGHT DIE! But since you might die, and we are telling you YOU PROBABLY WILL, you agree to not sue us, ever, forever, no matter what. Good luck!!!

Worst. Idea. EVER. I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore, except that I need motivation to go to the gym. 

And that's how you look certain death in the eye, my friend! With absolute, unyielding, boundless self-doubt and terror. 

What can I say, that's just how I roll. 

Here's one of the founders of the Spartan race. 

It's a nice video. 

There isn't any death in this video, Thank God!

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